Black and native-owned businesses have the ability to thrive or fail based on consumer’s purchasing decisions, investor’s choices and strategic brand partnerships, big and small. Individually, and as a collective, we can make a difference in black and native-owned businesses around the globe. 2020 has been an impetus for change and has sparked a new […]
What drives change? Motivation. This is true for social activism as well as for our own personal healing and professional growth. I’m going to break it down into 3 categories. When our desire to grow outweighs our desire to stay in our current circumstances then the choices we make from that point forward are made […]
#StopHateforProfit The Anti-Defamation League has gained a growing response from organizations large and small after recently launching the #StopHateforProfit campaign. The campaign asks companies to cease advertising spending on Facebook and Instagram until they implement changes for public safety on their platforms. Please join with me in this global movement to #stophateforprofit by letting CEO […]